Friday, October 22, 2010

Barely Enough Time Is Still Enough

So with my fall semester at Kennesaw State for my eMBA program coming to a close, I'm finding that the last "rush" of assignments left me feeling like I had barely enough time in my days. Getting married during this semester compounded the time management issues. My new bride and I managed to pull that planning and event off flawlessly. So, we clearly had "enough" time to get it done and done right.
I find that instead of worrying about how much time I have left before a deadline, or how much time on each task to allot per day, a different approach has been working better for me.
I'm starting sooner. The opposite of procrastination. Even if I don't do much, I try to get started on whatever it is right away. For me, for whatever reason, that's working out much better. I could pontificate on why this is, and how it can work for you, but instead, I'm going to go get back to work.